Whether it’s for self-reflection or comparing with friends, it’s natural to get curious about your Spotify listening habits. The issue is that doing so isn’t always simple, especially if you want to have a thorough understanding of your listening behavior. Given the varying ways to access Spotify stats across multiple devices and the existence of third-party apps promising a more comprehensive review, it can be challenging to find a solution that actually works for you. To answer your curiosity, we’ve compiled nine easy, reliable ways on how you can keep track of your Spotify listening habits.

How to See Your Spotify Stats on PC & Mac

Spotify’s algorithm calculates your top tracks based on a few factors, the most important being how often you listen to a song all the way through. So, if you listen in entirety to the same song every day, it will be much higher on your list than a song you always skip past after 20 seconds. The good news is, you can check your Spotify stats any time through the Spotify app on PC, Mac, or your web browser. This will show you your top Spotify artists and songs of the past month. Here’s how:

How to See Your Spotify Stats on Mobile

Checking your Spotify stats on your mobile device is similar to how you check the same on your desktop. However, this isn’t as in-depth compared to doing it on the PC app or web browser. The mobile app limits you to only seeing your most recently played artists and playlists – with no regard to how often you play them. The steps for checking your Spotify stats on Android & iOS are the same. Here’s how you can do it:

How to See Your Stats on Spotify Wrapped

Spotify Wrapped is an annual recap of your individualized listening habits and the platform’s global music trends for the year. Here, Spotify analyzes all the data gathered from your unique listening activity and compiles it into a personalized slideshow. This slideshow includes your most-listened-to songs and podcasts on Spotify, the minutes spent on the app, and your top artists and genres over the past 12 months. Beyond that, Wrapped started offering even more new features in 2021. Some of these quirky features include Audio Aura – which tells you about your main music moods – and The Movie – which pairs your favorite songs with classic movie scenes. There’s also Playing Cards, an interactive data-based game around your most-listened-to songs over the year that you can play and then share with your friends. Spotify releases Wrapped a few weeks before Christmas every year. So, you can expect it to drop sometime in early December. So, how do you see your Spotify Wrapped? It’s really simple. When Spotify Wrapped becomes available, a notification will automatically pop up on your homepage when you open the app.

Can you see old Spotify Wrapped playlists?

Yes, you can still access your old Spotify Wrapped playlists! Spotify will hold on to your Wrapped playlists from the past, even after the automatic notification disappears. However, the app doesn’t have a dedicated page for previous Wrapped playlists. You’ll have to log in to Spotify on your browser to access them. Then, click on the following links to view your old playlists:

2021 Wrapped 2020 Wrapped 2019 Wrapped 2018 Wrapped 2017 Wrapped

6 Third-Party Apps You Can Use to Check Your Spotify Stats

The official Spotify app isn’t your only option for checking your habits. Several third-party apps can give you additional information about your Spotify listening stats. You might prefer trying one of these apps if the stats offered by Spotify don’t go deep enough for you.

Stats for Spotify Obscurify Chosic Stats.fm Volt.fm Zodiac Affinity

Stats for Spotify

Stats for Spotify is a free third-party Spotify tracker that can give you a more in-depth look at your favorite artists, tracks, and genres while offering extra features at the same time. This app allows you to analyze your recently played tracks with timestamps, so you know exactly when you were listening to a particular track. It also uses your data to create charts for your favorites over three different periods – the last four weeks, six months, and all time. You can also compare your rankings to a previous visit and check out recently played tracks. You can even create a playlist based on your stats that you can listen to directly on your Spotify app. To use this web app, you’ll need to first link your Spotify account with the Stats for Spotify website. Then, you can start exploring your profile.


Interested in learning how obscure your music tastes are? Then Obscurify might be the app for you. This free web app takes your quirky Spotify listening data and compares it to other Spotify users. The result is a percentile ranking for how unique your taste in music is. You’ll also be able to see your Spotify genre stats, most obscure tracks and artists, and your current music moods. You’ll even get song recommendations based on your listening activity. To check out how rare your favorite songs are, link your Spotify account to the Obscurify website and give the app permission to access your listening data. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to see your obscurity ranking and compare it to other users.


As a free web app, Chosic that can give you insights into the music you love without much fuss. It can also recommend new tracks based on your taste. The app tells you your current favorite artist, your favorite sub-genre, and even your favorite musical decade. It also tracks how your tastes have changed over time and shows you your top tracks by mood. After you analyze your musical taste, the app can recommend new songs it thinks you will love based on the songs you’re currently jamming to. After you link your Spotify account to the Chosic website, you’ll be able to see all of your stats in one place and can toggle to view data from the past month, six months, or all time.


This mobile app, formerly called Spotistats for Spotify, can dive deeper into your Spotify stats via your mobile device. Like the other apps on this list, it can help you understand your listening habits by showing you your most played songs on Spotify and your favorite genres and artists. To top it off, it can also tell you when and how long you listen to your favorite tunes. You can filter your music activity in three different time ranges: four weeks, six months, and lifetime – so you can effortlessly see which kind of music you were into at which point in time. All of these features combined give you exact insights into your listening habits. To use Stats.fm, download the Android or iOS app, and sign in with your Spotify account. Once you’re signed in, you’ll be able to browse all your stats in the app. The basic version is free, but if you want to see more detailed information, you can upgrade to the premium version for $3.99 per month.


This free app calls itself ‘your Spotify profile on steroids‘. It’s understandable why, considering, the app claims to let you have on-demand insights about your Spotify activity. Like the others on the list, Volt.fm lets you know about your top tracks, artists, and genres. Then it will dive into your most popular and unknown favorites and what year most of your music was released. Volt.fm can also help you find new music and create custom playlists. A unique feature was recently added to let you compare your Spotify stats with friends to see how alike – or different – your tastes are. Once you link your Spotify account with the Volt.fm website, you’ll be able to scroll through the page and see all your stats in one place.

Zodiac Affinity

Are you into astrology or just looking for a fun way to rediscover the music you already love? Zodiac Affinity is a free app that matches your zodiac sign with a curated playlist from your Spotify library. All you have to do is link your Spotify account with Zodiac Affinity’s website. Once you’re in, you’ll select your zodiac sign. The app will then tell you which of your favorite songs align with your astrological sign.


Although Spotify doesn’t always give a complete picture of our listening practices, it is still a significant marker of who we are as individuals, depending on our tastes in music. A personal exercise where many of the methods mentioned in this article can help. Hopefully, you’ll now be able to find out precisely what your Spotify listening habits say about you. Soon, you’ll be on your way to discovering your most played songs and artists on Spotify, finding new songs you’ll love, and other trivia around it to see how unique your taste in music is. What is your favorite way to track Spotify stats? Did we miss any good ones? Let us know in the comments below!

9 Simple Ways to View Your Spotify Statistics for Free - 969 Simple Ways to View Your Spotify Statistics for Free - 419 Simple Ways to View Your Spotify Statistics for Free - 249 Simple Ways to View Your Spotify Statistics for Free - 199 Simple Ways to View Your Spotify Statistics for Free - 159 Simple Ways to View Your Spotify Statistics for Free - 139 Simple Ways to View Your Spotify Statistics for Free - 29 Simple Ways to View Your Spotify Statistics for Free - 649 Simple Ways to View Your Spotify Statistics for Free - 569 Simple Ways to View Your Spotify Statistics for Free - 609 Simple Ways to View Your Spotify Statistics for Free - 599 Simple Ways to View Your Spotify Statistics for Free - 29 Simple Ways to View Your Spotify Statistics for Free - 97